Thursday 12 March 2015

Magazine Model and Other Photoshoot

Magazine Model and Other Photo-shoot

Here I will showcase all pictures that I took for the music magazine, clone pictures (photos that look identical apart from a small change in time taken) wont be included . I shall explain why the picture was or wasn't included and state time taken.

These shots was a result of my first photo shoot where I called my colleague and fellow student Allister Savin and asked him to be a trial model for my music magazine. The shot was using a low quality camera so the picture resolution is relatively low leading to a pixelated and blurry picture when expanded to the size used on the magazine front cover.
The expression of the model is also not what I imagined and didn't really fit in with the mystic and almost sci-fi sounding electro house music.
(First Photo Shoot - 30/10/2015) 

These shots were a retry of the model on the front page. This time I used a better camera which resulted in a higher resolution picture which I could do more with and looked less pixalated and blurred when expanded or changed shape. Instead of using someone else to take the picture I used the time the timer feature to take pictures of myself as the model. This took a while to take high quality pictures but it resulted in a model that suited the style of music with a t-shirt and blazer.
(Second photo shoot - 10/1/2015) 

These photos included the model playing a keyboard, this creates the illusion that they are playing for the readers of the magazine exclusively and makes the feel more involved with the magazine. I used the flash instead of the yellow tinted room light featured in the other pictures, this created an effective and easy to edit set of pictures picture. I however only used the bottom one in my magazine as it showed the whole model and didn't cut off half way through making the picture easier to display in the magazine.
(Second photo shoot - 10/1/2015) 

These pictures were taken when the room light was on, this made the whole image slightly tinted yellow as a result of the colour of the light. This made them difficult to edit and didn't really go with the black and purple background of the magazine when i cut them out and as a result i didn't use any of these pics. They were also slightly blurred as a result of the camera having trouble focusing in the type of light.
(Second photo shoot - 10/1/2015) 

These pics were taken as filler pictures for the magazine to give some variety in the magazine and avoid from just using pictures of the model (DJ One-Voltz) The close up aspect made for some detailed and interesting pictures that could be used to great effect within the magazine.
(Second photo shoot - 10/1/2015) 

These were pictures of my speakers that I use at home. I thought that they would be a good companion of the electric and base themed music. The yellow tinted back light made them difficult to edit however and the speakers were scratched and as a result ended up in a poor quality image. I avoided using the speakers in the magazine in the end as a result.
(First Photo Shoot - 30/10/2015) 

These pictures of my x12 TurtleBeach headphones were taken alongside my speakers. However they were better quality than the speakers and the pictures were less blurry which ended up in usable images that could be used as some sort of advertisement in my final magazine.
(First Photo Shoot - 30/10/2015) 

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