Tuesday 10 March 2015

Skeleton Design Ideas

Skeleton Design Ideas

Front cover skeleton 1

This skeleton was derived from the Vive cover that I have used as a guide. This design is similar to how i imagine my final cover to look like as i have researched into what graphics accompany my specific genre of music and it is very similar to the design and layout used in Vive. It displays the cover lines equally on both sides to adverse the contents for the magazine as clearly as possible to persuade onlookers.
This is my favorite design out of the three cover skeletons I have created. I think that I could use this layout in production with great success and fulfill many basic requirements that  magazine covers should have to create a visually pleasing magazine that supports the type of audience that I am aiming for. I shall use a similar dark/gradient colour scheme like used in the Vive front cover as well as using the placement of the cover lines to pull viewers in.

Front cover skeleton 2

I think this is a quieter and less crowded skeleton when compared to skeleton 1. This could be good when coupled with gentle styles of music such as classical however I think as a result of its order and layout i think it would be better suited for classical than electro house and dnb music. I based the design of the FutureMusic magazine featured below however i feel as though I reduced the amount of noise that there would be on the magazine and simplified the layout somewhat. The bottom right corner there is a tag but unfortunately it got cut from the picture.

Front cover skeleton 3

This design is similar to the front cover skeleton diagram, however there are more article advertisements and skylines on the right hand side.  This would allow viewers to get a larger taste of what would be included within teh magazine and show off a larger range of articles to pull in a larger audience. However this would also clutter up the cover page if not done correctly and could end in a mess of cover lines covering up the main picture of the magazine. This is my second favorite out of all the magazines as i think that my style of music would go well with a little bit of futuristic clutter on the front page.

Contents skeleton 1

I have tried to base this contents skeleton layout on this contents page. I like the minimalistic colour scheme yet gritty design that really shouts out ROCK when I read it which fulfills its purpose as a rock magazine. I feel as though this could be changed to a different genre of music very easily and still be effective which is why I have decided to base this skeleton diagram on this magazine contents design.

The entire right side will be facilitated by an image, most likely of a piece of music equipment like a keyboard. This will take up space and add some character and content to the page making it more than just a load of information on one page. The title will be very plain and easy to identify as there is nothing unusual about the shape, text or formatting. The colours of the page will most likely follow the ones set by the front page, dark, electronic and mystical. I thinks that these colours suit the genre of music (electro & dnb) perfectly.

Contents skeleton 2

The contents skeletons are all very similar but small changes can completely change how the reader reads the page to what they read first to last. This is why i have placed most of the featured articles on the left of the page, this would mean that the reader would see them first over other possibly less interesting articles, reinforcing their attention on the magazine. The list of pages however, is on the top left and should be laid out in a easy to read and clear format clear of any pictures. This should be functional for the reader as they won't get sidetracked whilst reading. The contents page title will be simple yet elegant being an obvious feature of the page, this will promote the contents page and make them stop to read it rather than flicking straight passed it and let the pace suggest popular of enjoyable pages for the reader.

Contents skeleton 3

This contents page design sacrifices article advertisements for a larger more prominent main mage, this in theory should create a larger impact on the viewer making them stop and see what the image is all about rather than flicking through past the contents page. This along with the simple jet elegant title should make the contents page exiting enough to read yet still informative. The contents list of pages is on the top right and would be clear of any article advertisements to make it easy to read and uncluttered.

Double page spread skeleton 1

This double page spread is based off the "interview with Christie Inman-Hall" magazine below. The articles are split in two separated by the main image which will be set across the two pages. This immediately draws the readers attention to the middle of the two pages where the main image will be possibly accompanied by a quote such as in the magazine below. The articles will follow the same subject and be accompanied by pictures to add variety to the article and make them easier to read. The font shall follow the same scheme as the rest of the magazine and shall be easy to read yet stylish. The title however should be unique and big to draw the reader into what the page has to say possibly employing clever wording or puns in the title.

Double page spread skeleton 2

This double page spread includes the main image on the left of the page. This is the first place that readers usually look and will introduce the reader to the topic of the page. The quote at the bottom might, however be to out of the way and  be skipped by readers, i might move it in the final design to draw more attention. The main image quote should say something controversial to motivate readers to go on to read the article. The article will be split up into three columns instead of two. This should make the size of the text look smaller and more manageable to read to readers. The text will wrap around the title which will be in the middle of the right page. 
I based this design of the double page spread "from tags to riches". I felt as though the spacing and colours on this magazine were put to good use but will edit the final design to fit my magazine music genre type.

Double page spread skeleton 3

This magazine splits the main image into two over the two pages. This should make both pages appealing to read but would work better if the articles on each page were covering a different topic for variety in the magazine. However to avoid page cloning the layouts are inverted, making the page look interesting and enticing to readers. The text is at the top of the left page as this is where readers usually start reading however it might be better is the picture was taking the top left position to grab the readers attention when they first flick to the page. The text should follow the design of the rest of the magazine and be clear and stylish, however the title should be unique and intriguing to again pull in the attention of the reader. The columns are split into threes to make the text look more manageable to the readers.

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